Ouken Yamato was the leader of the Kamigari, and a major antagonist throughout the series. He suffered from a case of apparent split personality; his original persona was calm and composed but was suppressed for ten years; the newer personality was that of a power-hungry maniac hellbent on releasing the seal on Amanohara to unlock its secrets. However, he was in reality being possessed by the spirit of Kousu no Mikoto, who possessed Ouken when he opened an ancient jar containing Kousu's soul. He was generally referred to/addressed as Emperor Ouken by his followers.
Soul Collector - Ouken's Maken was Soul Collector, which allowed him to manipulate the souls of those around him. While primarily used to manipulate the memories of whoever he chose, Soul Collector could also replenish Element by eating the souls of people.
Kotodama (Word Bullets) - Ouken could attack or defend using words, using his abnormal lung capacity and low frequency sound waves. Known attacks include:
- Gai (Barrier) - blasts everything backwards in a circle around Ouken.
- Ha (Break) - similar to a vocal cannon.